Via is a reception office for newly arrived immigrants. It provides them with individual coaching, training as well as social and vocational guidance. To present this reception path, Via asked Switch to create an animated video. The challenge was that the video needed to be universally understood by people who had recently moved to Brussels.

Explain to newly arrived immigrants what the reception path is about

Target audiences

Newcomers to Brussels


L’asbl switch a été super réactive, elle s’est adaptée à notre réalité et nos spécificités : une collaboration comme on en rêve ! Le résultat nous a enchanté : notre capsule vidéo a dépassé nos attentes : elle est belle, pertinente et super créative ! Elle contribue au quotidien à l’image positive de notre association.

– Janaki Decleire, Directrice de Via asbl


Project management
Valérie de Halleux
Sound Design
Lorris Gisana